assalamualaikum there ! have a pleasant day !

Friday, June 27, 2014

.. 28 / 6 / 14 ..

a s s a l a m u a l a i k u m (:

hai gaisss. long time no see hehee. well, busy sgt kat skolah. ni baru balik lps 2 weeks memerah keringat n tenaga for hari sukan sekolah. penat wehhh. penat otak badan fizikal mental semua lahh

hmm well, lps ni dah xde pegang ape2 dah. so yeayyy! pakai baju putih balik hehee. kepimpinan dah tukar dah. hbes je sukan, hbes lah aku punya full responsible kat skolah tu. but takde lah nk lps 100% kt dyrg. i will teach n lead them. yelahh, budak bru belajar. so kne lh bgi panduan sikit. xde ahh kabut nnti. pisyo!

so now, we're getting near to the trial for spm n next is, the real spm. hmm bru check jadual td and it will be held on 3/11 - 2/12. ada kwn ckp tarikh spm tu, bbdak junior still ade kt skolah dlm 2 weeks cemtu time spm. hmm, siapalah yg satu dorm dgn hanis nnti time spm haahha. x bole blah dah pkir.

emm emmm, many things got stucked in my head coz theres no answer for them. too hard to ask but nvm. i can stand this situation. hold on tight and i will be fine (:

okay gaisss, see you again. bye n ttyl n i love yaaaa...

"hidup tak selalunya indah. tapi kita berhak untuk merasai keindahan" (:

copyright by me | nurhanis athirah | @2016