assalamualaikum there ! have a pleasant day !

Sunday, November 17, 2013

.. precious moments evaaah [partI I] ..

 a s s a l a m u a l a i k u m (:

hoyeahhhh,, hye world!! ohhoh idk why i feel so happy now. happy as a sand boy muehehheh! mesti terkejut tgk pic minah atas tu. dok nganga2 -.- hahha. lol jarang kot nak pose mcm tu. 
hm well, skrg tgh sch hols. wehooooo, a month ++ yawww! lol takyah nk serenek sgt kayy. next year nk espiyem omg! i have to study. hm yahhh, i have to. tolong ahh tak malas sgt cuti ni. lol, nnti tahu2 je cuti dh nk hbes. heishh tak syok betul -.- hmm doakan lah hanis berjaya mncapai matlamatnya pada waktu cuti ini kayyyy :*
so, apa yg hndak diceritakan di sini... hmm apa ye? hmm hanis rasa nk share moments mse last 2 weeks kt skolah. hehuuuu sonok wehh. ye ahh, dah ahh hanis time cuti deepa tu extend cuti secara haram. opssss! x) heheee first time kot. lol, cemni ahh pengawas ishhh3. tak patut3~ hmm, lagi satu, i brought my sis's dslr to sch. so that was so fun as we're capturing many moments toghter. heheee, lagi2 pompuan ni. pantang kan nmpk cam. hehehh, hbes penuh sd card gua -.- takpe ahh jnji korg happy cewahhhh kemain. tpi dlm kegembiraan tercalit kedukaan. cewahhh! hm sbb i have to say goodbye to the genesis of saudah. wehhh, sayang gilaaaa kot! hmmm yg pasal f5 n dorm, i will story about it on the next post. hahha kalau sumbat kat sini semua crowded sgt pulak kang -.-
so there will 3 parts altogether for these kind of post. see, i put the 'part I' at the title. hm so that, post kali ni utk pics selama 2 minggu, with my friendss. 2nd post for time hari last, friday. 3rd post is specially for dorm saudah n akak2 f5 yg dicintai :* cewahhhh.
nahhhh, here is it, the pic gila2 of kami iniii. weeeeee!
yg ni jetjet satu family lah -.-
with si gila2, sherry
tah pape tah korang ni
candid yaawwww!
i loike this pic :* nmpak natural
muka suci jeeee hahha
muaahahha, smart seyhhh~
sherry jetjet pegang salji di sabak XD
okayyy, yg pic ats ni kira hari first lah hanis rasmikn penggunaan dslr tu hahaha. semua batak kemain! tpi qila takde, hahha merajuk dia XD takpe2, 2nd shoot punya ada lah. hohho. sumpah tak malu dok golek2 kt padang netball time tuuu. hahha
time ni kitorg sebut nama sorg2. pic ni kiorg sebut nama hanissss :D
macam nk piknik -.-
lol censored, spect tercabut XD
hehooooo :D
just close your eyes~
ohsem jumping !
candid again!
with nik nur zulaikha <3
US (:
yahhhh,, those yg atas nii are the 2nd shooting the five of us. weeeeeee :D
after kemas-ing the class
budak nakal :*
daniesyaa n aiza :D
menggedik di dlm dorm. hahha
sumpah ini bukan selfie -.- ini aiza yg capture okayy. tp hanis suka XD
we are so perfect dormmate :*
suka menconteng tgn sendiri XD
hm, i am shy :3
hashtag dll

yahhhhh.. itu diaaa.. ada yg pics lagi gilaa sebenarnya. masing2 buat posing maut. hohho, xperlu lah nk masuk kat sini. buat malu je kang XD the gambar2 are so beautiful. we love it! awesome moments with u guyss. xoxo. i love you!!!
written by nurhanis athirah (:

"hidup tak selalunya indah. tapi kita berhak untuk merasai keindahan" (:

copyright by me | nurhanis athirah | @2016