assalamualaikum there ! have a pleasant day !

Sunday, October 13, 2013

.. berkurun tak update oii ..

a s s a l a m u a l a i k u m (:

so, here we are. meet again. okay i know that i had left my blog without any post for a long long long time -.- sorry for that. but nvm lah kan, ada ke yg follow segala cerita dlm blog ni hahah. hm hmm wut eva lah kan. kali ni hanis nak cerita pasal everythin that happened spnjg kt sekolah.
woahhh, i've so much activities. tension duhhh. netball hksbp kat SAMURA, hm yg ni xde pics sbb hanis x bwak cam. just nak share, we all were having a great time there. dorm dia perghhhh! suka sbb kipas mmg bnyk ahh. xde ahh panas. klu kt skolh hanis x rase kot lagi2 katil atas -.- but, my sch is still the best okayyy hahah. mase kitorang smpai tu, suka bila dyrg mcm announcing ketibaan kitorg sume. it sound was like this:
" announcing the arrival of Sabak Bernam Integrated Boarding School to SAMURA, the high perfoming school " 
ohohhh, sonok en? every sch dyrg announce bnda yg sama. cool gilaaa wehh. n mlm dinner tu masing2 dok nk bagi flyers. time ni lawak gak ahh sbb sume mncari2 en. tnya ni skolah mne, kenal ni tak n blablaaa. 
hm, pastu pgi walk for health kat serdang. time ni tgh balik wajib for form 1,2,4. so kitorg yg pergi ni have to stay at sch but not me! well, hanis balik umah dulu n bas amik hanis kt tg karang. woahhh, like a big boss i knew. yg ni ada pic nyaaaaa.
pantang jumpa cam betul -.-
aiza, me, nik
sedang penat walau hanya berjalan -.-
anoy malu2. menyampah

okayyy, after that... balik sekolah, terus final exam. atau nama mesranya dalam kalangan sbpians is diagnostic! omaigaddddd, gila wehhhh. gugur rambut aku pikir itu ini. hahah hiperbola sungguh. first week was okay for me i think as the papers were not too tough. but when it came to the second week.. hewheww rasa nak give up lol. ishhh, sbb x study sgt lahh rase mcm tu. tu lahh, orang suruh belajar awal2 taknak. kan dah ssh. haishhhh sigh. ni lps ni ada barab, bio, chemist n math. haduyyy pray for me pleaseeeee. and, yg paling tak bole blah, hanis jeles betul tgk bebudak pmr ni dah hbes kannnn. aisehhh, berjimba la korang. tgk movie lahhhh.. urghh stress sndiri tgk dyrg lol. takpe2, nnti korg naik f4 rasa lah kehebatannya muehehehe. ssungguhnya ini bukan ugutan, ttpi kata2 semangat hahahha XD

hm hmm apa yg hendak ku katakan lagi yaaa -.-
oh, just nak share cerita. tadi hanis follow parents pgi kenduri. so, i wore the jubah. hmm, i felt easy n comfortable. at this one house, right when i came in, there were 3 guys singing the selawat through acapella. mannn, it was awesome. the voices also. and not to forget, the looking. hikhikkk. at that time, i felt sth. it feels like "i must change myself" its not bcoz of what. i just want to change to the better one. hm if u know what i mean. okay, simple word. hijrah. thats all (:

okay tu je kot. btw rase nk cerita pasal JODOH lah on the next post. hikhikk, inshaAllah. tak janji kayy (:

#pray for my diagnostic
#pray for my good changes
#wardah syaurah, here u are. dah update. story tak best mana pun XD
sincerely, me, xoxo

"hidup tak selalunya indah. tapi kita berhak untuk merasai keindahan" (:

copyright by me | nurhanis athirah | @2016