assalamualaikum there ! have a pleasant day !

Thursday, December 26, 2013

.. 271213 ..

a s s a l a m u a l a i k u m (:
hm hello there! next week dh skolah n i really dont have idea if this is a dream n i just want to slap my face for the school next thursday -..- next wednesday dah kene gerak balik asrama haihhhhh. macam ape je cuti ni dh nk habes en. gigit kanggggg! cuti hanis pun xde ahh produktif mane pun. nnti klu cikgu tnye, cuti buat apa, mati ahh nk jawab apa wehhhhh. lolololol nk lari skolah ahh hahaa. hmm xpe hanis, a year je lagi wehhhh. tak lama pun. dan tempoh tak lama tu jugak lah gua nk espiyemmm. hmmm ni lgi unbelievable. 

well, its getting 2014 less than week. azam baru. hmmm i hope i can fullfill it all. just a big change for the better me. i may not good to be a really good person but at least i will have a try. yahhhh, i admit im not so good. i know some of u guys are hating me yeahhhh i know. but nvm, i cant bash the haters bcoz of hating me. haters are haters n i yesss, im doing mistakes (':

hm know what, i do really want to talk about you but well, public is public. hahha takpe2, gua kn ada blog lagi satu harharr okay abaikn yg ini. sooooo, next year kami ada streaming. hehh btol ke eja tu okay lantak ahh. streaming ni mcm prtukaran kls ahh. mana yg cemerlang tu kls first ahh. n yg kureng cemerlang n yg bakal cemerlang gemilang n terbilang kls second. hewheww hanis rase i will stay in my class lah as im not perform so good enough in my diagnostic. hmm nvm, lets break the leg guysss! setahun ni mohh ler kite sume  pulun habisan kayyy. setahun je pstu kite dah bole relax sikit, sikit ahh sbb lps tu dh kne bljr lagi tough.

hm hye kak wani! i'll pray for ur best. ur dm was really made me shocked i cant believe it. but kite dh agak dah sth mcm ni akn brlaku. apa pun keputusannye kite akn sokong but do make the right choice okayyy. ape2 hal, let me know. i will always behind ur back n i love youuuuuuuu :*
flashback n memories do hit me back
#kakak second gua lps ni nk kawenn woooo! lol bulan tiga nnti. jemput datang kayyyy semua :*

sincerely by me (:

"hidup tak selalunya indah. tapi kita berhak untuk merasai keindahan" (:

copyright by me | nurhanis athirah | @2016